
This page contains time series of statistics categorized according to the four macroeconomic accounts:  external sector, monetary and financial sector, fiscal sector, and real sector.

links are provided to government finance statistics and national accounts from the respective sources. 

Any queries on the statistics should be sent to statistics_dissemination@bou.or.ug

Bank Lending Survey Report 2023/24

Bank Lending Survey 2022/23

Bank Lending Survey 2021/22

Bank Lending Survey 2020-21

Bank Lending Survey 2019-20

Bank Lending Survey 2018-19

Bank Lending Survey 2017-18

Bank Lending Survey 2016-17

Bank Lending Survey 2015-16

Bank Lending Survey 2014-15

Bank Lending Survey 2013-14

Bank Lending Survey 2012-13

Bank Lending Survey 2011-12